The Democratic Mining Cryptocurrency

Lumina Tokenomics

Token Information

Max Supply: 21,000,000

Blockchain: Polygon

Proof of Work Token

Challenge Levels

Hash count: 2 ^ Level

Min Level: 20

Max address level discount: 30

Max balance level discount: 30

Levels decrease over time

Regular Challenges

Claims per challenge: 10

Tokens per claim: 1​

Tokens mined: 40%

Premium Challenges

Claims per challenge: 20 to 500

Tokens per claim: 5 to 2000

Frequency: Occasional

Tokens mined: 60%


Developers: 3.8% (Locked)

Miners: 96.2%

Initial liquidity: 1,000 LUMI : 500 MATIC (burned)


Newton Epoch

Challenge interval: 3.75 min

Minimum tokens per claim increasing weekly

from 0.01 by 0.01

until 1 token per claim is reached

Duration: 2 years

Coins mined: 3.5 mil

Einstein Epoch

Challenge interval dilution: 4.4 sec weekly

Duration:135 years

Coins mined: 16.5 mil

Overall Mining Era: 137 Years

More Lumina you hold, more Lumina you mine!

Check Whitepaper and Contracts Design for more details